




lat: number
Type : number

Latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. This means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to -90. And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90.

lng: number
Type : number

Longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be wrapped so that they fall within the range. For example, a value of -190 will be converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This reflects the fact that longitudes wrap around the globe.

export interface GeoPoint {
   * Latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. This
   * means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to
   * -90. And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90.
  lat: number;
   * Longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be
   * wrapped so that they fall within the range. For example, a value of -190
   * will be converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This
   * reflects the fact that longitudes wrap around the globe.
  lng: number;

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